Rachael Rzasa Lynn, MD
Rachael Rzasa Lynn, MD is board certified in pain medicine and is an Associate Professor in the Department of Anesthesiology at the University of Colorado, where she is the Associate Program Director for the Pain Medicine Fellowship.
She serves on the American Society of Anesthesiology’s pain education committee and pain abstract review committee. She was the Colorado Society of Anesthesiologists representative for Colorado’s Opioid Solution: Clinicians United to Resolve the Epidemic, an initiative to produce specialty-specific guidelines for the safe and rational use of opioids for pain to reduce harm associated with opioid use across various medical disciplines and was an editor of the resulting multispecialty guidelines. She has lectured at the local, state and national level to educate medical providers across specialties in the optimization of opioid use to facilitate better, safer chronic and acute perioperative pain management. Her research includes investigations in opioid pharmacology and the use of cannabis for chronic pain.
Contact our Administrative/Planning Manager, Annellie Vallone
Call 802-318-4665
7730 E. Belleview Ave, Ste A-200
Greenwood Village, CO 80111