The Colorado Pain Society is committed to advocating for our members and their patients. We monitor legislation and are proud to represent ethical and patient-centered pain medicine. The Colorado Medical Society (CMS) has been an important ally for us and we appreciate their considerable influence at the Capitol with their lobbying abilities and large membership base that allow us greater influence than we would have alone. Supporting CMS as a member ( also supports us at the Capitol. Please consider strengthening our presence, and the Field of Medicine at the Capitol to protect our patients and our ability to care for them! The following comprehensive and up to date legislative issues that affect us are provided by them below:
Colorado Medical Society PolicyPulse Newsletters and more.
Senate Bill 144 (SB23-144) was signed into law to reduce barriers to care for chronic pain patients on prescription drugs as well as to protect prescribing providers. The key features of the law are summarized here: CMS-NPAC-SB-144-fact-Sheet-Flyer.